How long does it take to get a response from the branch office?
Several overlapping generations.
does any one have any experience with writing to the branch office?
i know they're busy, but while reading through the shepherd textbook, it says to write to them quite a few times.
so if a body of elders write to the branch office, whats the usual wait time for a response?
How long does it take to get a response from the branch office?
Several overlapping generations.
from jw org.
“six thousand years of human existence”.
in 1969 the watchtower magazine in czech began publishing a series of articles based on the book life everlasting—in freedom of the sons of god.
I'm cross posting this from another thread and it is an expansion of a comment I made earlier on this thread.
A Believer, you should have the balls and integrity to respond to this and all other points made by the posters here.
A Believer,
Regarding the 1975 thread my stance is that while many were expecting it, it was never said to be a definite thing or was it said that Jehovah told them it would be that year.
I believe I responded to that on one of your threads but I never got a reply. Here it is again.
In 1974 I went to a special talk at the Inglewood Public Forum (Sothern California) to listen to a talk about 1975 from none other than Frederick Franz. He was then vice-president of the Watchtower.
He specifically said that the end would occur anywhere from a few months to a few years after September of 1975. He specifically excluded the possibility that it would be decades after 1975. Using the logic of the "Adam and Eve gap" he said that if it were to take decades than that would mean that Adam would have been without a mate for that long and that would tempt Adam into bestiality!!!
His statement, in his sing song voice, was: "Would Jehovah let Adam to be tempted into bestiality? Noooo brothers and sisters."
This statement came from the pinnacle of the governing body thus contradicting what you said about them having not made a direct statement on the matter.
Now what's your response?
come on a believer, everyone knows it was you so own up to it and teacher will not be cross!.
this is exactly what seems to be happening, a believer runs in drops the stink bomb and runs out again...only to pear around the door when he/she deems it safe to do so.
A Believer,
Regarding the 1975 thread my stance is that while many were expecting it, it was never said to be a definite thing or was it said that Jehovah told them it would be that year.
I believe I responded to that on one of your threads but I never got a reply. Here it is again.
In 1974 I went to a special talk at the Inglewood Public Forum (Sothern California) to listen to a talk about 1975 from none other than Frederick Franz. He was then vice-president of the Watchtower.
He specifically said that the end would occur anywhere from a few months to a few years after September of 1975. He specifically excluded the possibility that it would be decades after 1975. Using the logic of the "Adam and Eve gap" he said that if it were to take decades than that would mean that Adam would have been without a mate for that long and that would tempt Adam into bestiality!!!
His statement, in his sing song voice, was: "Would Jehovah let Adam to be tempted into bestiality? Noooo brothers and sisters."
funny but for whatever reason, i can't stop singing walking in integrity from the old songbook!
it's in my head and in my opinion it was one of the few songs i really liked..
Funny but for whatever reason, I can't stop singing Walking In Integrity from the old songbook! It's in my head and in my opinion it was one of the few songs I really liked.
Ditto. Same exact song. I think it was played during my baptism. Nowadays I equate it with my leaving the organization out of a sense of integrity.
what do you think about using pre-teens to work religious propaganda phonebank?.
Oppostate, what exactly are those children saying on those calls? Doesn't the Watchtower know that the sound of children on the phone is bound to make "worldlings" suspicious and turned off?
there goes at least half the elders wife's alot of the publishers.
If gossiping was a D.Fing offence how many in your congro would be D.Fed?
december 23, 2016. the 10 biggest nyc real estate stories of 2016.
wikimedia: jud mccranie .
107 years of “Advertising the Kingdom” from Brooklyn, NY, what is it New Yorkers will remember about JWs after their move in 2016?
They will remember nothing. Nobody gives a fig about them even if they are neighbors.
as strict as my parents are, this was an area i had (still do) leeway with.
my mother's side of the family are non witnesses, and since we rarely have opportunities to see each other, my parents let me and my siblings see them during christmas break.
our aunts and uncles spoil us silly with gifts.
I went to be with my father for the first time ever when I was 17. He was staying at my aunts' home where my relatives lived. Half the homes on the block were lived in by them. It was Christmas which was being celebrated at a distant relatives home.
At first I wasn't going to attend but then I decided to go in grungy clothes which I was mildly criticized for. They knew about my religion but did not fully understand the implications for me just by attending (disfellowshipping at the whim of the elders?).
I was somewhat distant from the party at first but later got into it with my cousins. I'm glad I did.
after reading some experiences, i have found that this organization has had quite a big change in its operations within the last decade.
back when i was talking to the ocassional witnesses at a local hotspot i remember some of them having respectable intelligence.
what i want to know though is those who have been aquainted with who they felt were more educated and independent in thinking, how they handled the rapid changes.
With an IQ in the genius range (congratulates himself) I can say that it was not intelligence that got me out though it was a close second. What got me out was more of a visceral feeling that there was something very wrong in what I was perceiving to be the self-glorification of the Watchtower. It was always we, ourselves, and nobody else. It seemed that for every finger they pointed at the sky there were three more pointed at themselves. That is what was giving me anxiety attacks out in field service and what eventually got me out.
14 years later.... wow...(<--- still doin' it) was i a spitfire or what?!
totally out of control, shooting from the hip no holds barred posting s.o.b.. now, after a decade and a half: d8ta has evolved to galaxyd8ta 7.0!
improved features of 14 years of marriage, 2 kids, pass mid 40's, calm, collect, seasoned, 14 countries under my belt,.... ..... merry christmas!!!